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Every student learns differently.
Tutors adapt, connect, and coach for success.

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When you call, we'll help you get registered and set an assessment date to see what your child needs most. You'll get a Parent's Pack with easy steps for getting ready for assessment.

We can take your enrollment payment by phone or at the assessment meeting. Based on assessment results, we'll create a customized tutoring plan with you.

Once enrolled, your child will receive a WorkBinder and an overview with a tutor. At that point, just get ready to see your child grow in skills and confidence!


You can also call our team at 229.329.7455 to get your child on the path to success today!

What To Expect
Our tutoring program is focused on Math and English Language Arts for Grade 5-12 students. We use a whole-person approach that yields results far beyond the classroom.

Enay Coaching, LLC is a member of the National Tutoring Association, and our tutors hold Lifetime Certification from the College Reading & Learning Association.

Race For The Kids

"My favorite things about my coach are how she explains things, the activities we do, and that she is patient with me!"


Kelsee, age 10

"I love that my coach doesn't just tell me what to do, she shows me how and why to do it."


KateLynn, age 12


"Both of my children absolutely love going to tutoring. The Enay team has been able to develop the perfect motivational system for them as well as keep them interested in the subjects throughout the summer."


"When I discussed their tutoring progress with my children, they both expressed that they had made a connection with their tutor. They also expressed that they appreciate the time that each tutor puts into planning, organizing, and teaching them throughout their sessions."


Jessica, happy mom & middle school teacher

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