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Crowdfunding Campaign Starts in August!

We've finally finished our videos and promos, and we'll be releasing them periodically as our campaign launch date approaches! We're calling on all our friends to help make this a success--just a little support will help launch us into statewide services, and beyond!

Why Help?

The students sitting in middle and high school classrooms today will SOON be our employees, community leaders, and parents of the children our grandchilden go to school with. We ALL have a stake in making education more than just skills training, because technical skill alone is not enough for 21st century challenges. We all win when we help coach students for true servant-leadership and teamwork.

Making the Most of Your Support

We've always been a debt free company, and always will be, so this is an important moment to combine our strengths with yours to continue cultivating Legacy-Minded Servant-Leaders™. The goal is in reach--let's get it together!

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